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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Kirby Mass Attack - Random Tips

Game: Kirby Mass Attack

1. Stay low when your health is! When you have many blue Kirbies, stay low on the screen so you can get them back if they get K.O.d
2. Check point or Checkmate. Checkpoints are few and far between. Keep your Kirby's alive and pink for as long as possible.
3.  Jumping can be hard. If you don't have a stylus, you're in trouble!
4. Monkey see, monkey kill Kirby! When a monkey notices you, it will swing it's arms wildly. Stay away until it gets tired.
5. BAM BAM BAM = NOM NOM NOM. Defeating enemies will earn you fruit. Beat as many as you can.
6. Thrown away. When a enemy throws you off, don't stop hitting it! Keep coming.
7. Patience is a virtue. Only sick one or two Kirby's on a large enemy every two seconds. Once more Kirby's hop on, it can't shake the others.
8. The Angelic Blues. When a blue Kirby turns white, it will fly away. However, they hit the ground first, so get all your Kirbies over to it to save it.
9. Ten FTW. Getting all ten Kirbies has it's pros and cons. Ten Kirby's pummel enemies faster, and they can pull out heavier objects. However, a mob of ten is harder to control, and easier to hit.

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